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Our Values

Our values underpin our approach to practicing law and managing your case.

Commitment to Traditional Service

We hold traditional customer service in high regard as a fundamental component of our legal services. Our objective is to streamline the process, delivering high-quality legal services efficiently and cost-effectively. Our practical, common-sense advice will guide you toward achieving the best possible outcome given your circumstances.

Our clients can trust that our family lawyers will be courteous, respectful, and considerate of their needs at every stage of their case.

You can rely on us for prompt and professional communication, including returning telephone calls and emails swiftly and providing timely updates on case developments.

Focus on Settlement, Prepared for Litigation

In most family law cases, going to court is often a costly endeavor. Our experience shows that litigation rarely leaves anyone satisfied with their legal expenses. It’s usually not worth it. Therefore, we advocate for negotiated settlements outside of court.

We strive to resolve disputes quickly and discreetly through innovative problem-solving. We have extensive experience in negotiating pre-marital and post-marital agreements to protect your assets and income.

Cost-Conscious Approach

We are acutely aware of our clients’ costs and believe in sensible spending. We understand that emotions can sometimes lead to unnecessary expenses, and we will not hesitate to advise you accordingly.

Our aim is to prevent you from wasting your money.

We consistently provide advice on the most cost-effective methods to resolve family law issues. As your case progresses, we will regularly update your cost estimate and remain open to discussions or inquiries about expenses.

At all stages, we will advise you on the commercial reality of pursuing or continuing a matter.

Empowering You to Make Informed Decisions

Knowledge is power. At Cudmore Legal Family Lawyers Brisbane Co., we offer straightforward, clear advice and education.

We explain each step of the process so you are fully informed about what to expect, including legal costs.

Our aim is to equip you with the tools necessary to make sound decisions.

Ultimately, you are in control of your case.

Honest and Direct Advice

We provide upfront, honest, and straightforward advice. You will always receive our genuine opinion.

We will work with you to provide the one-on-one support necessary for each step forward.

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